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Indie Game: The Movie Review

Posted by Matija27 - June 16th, 2012

Indie Game: The Movie Review

The movie that follows a couple of game designers and programmers in their "quest" to finish the video game. Sounds like a great premise, and it turned out to be a good movie. Pretty good actually. The story of what game developers have to go through to make the game is surprisingly emotional. So let's see the pros and some minor cons of the movie. This one is spoiler heavy, so...


Watching Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes trying to release their Super Meat Boy game was the best part of the movie. You know that it sold great and all that, but as you are watching the movie you can't help yourself but to think that maybe their game won't be a success. It is hard to explain but I think you can understand what I'm talking about. They went through hell and back to finish this game on time and had some problems when it was finally finished. But it all paid of. They did not expect such huge sales. And there is this great moment in the movie, Tommy, who was so frustrated and tired by the whole thing, didn't seem so happy when the game finally started to sell. He just wanted to get some sleep. You really feel kinda sorry for the guy. But then Edmund tells him to check the playthroughs of the game on youtube. Tommy watches playthroughs and he finally smiles. It made me smile too. I was so happy for them. It really shows that with hard work there come great things.

Jonathan Blow, the creator of highly successful game Braid, had a small but important role in this movie. He went through all the things that Edmund, Tommy and Phil (more about him later) were currently going through. He gives us some insights on how the game was developed and what inspired him to make it. I was also surprised to hear what happened after the success of the game. It was important to see that side of development, when you finish the game and to see what happens next and if there is any motivation to continue with making games. All in all, Jonathan gave a great contribution to the movie.

And finally, Phil Fish. My God, this guy annoys the hell out of me. Let me explain why. He is the designer of the game Fez which was released couple of weeks ago. Haven't played it yet but I'm looking forward to it. In the movie, Phil is in deep shit. He had problems with the programmer who was working on the game and now he wants some credit for the game even though he left the project early in production. His game is constantly breaking at the Penny Arcade Expo. He delayed the game three times in a period of five years. You think I would feel sorry for the guy, but there is one sentence spoken by him that shocked me.
He was asked what would he do if for one reason or another he would not be able to finish or release the game, and his response was "I would kill myself". And no, he was not kidding, he really meant it. Seriously, just look at that part of the movie and tell me he didn't mean it. I understand you sacrificed your social life and spent five years on one game. If it doesn't succeed, well, let's take a deep breath and start the "new quest". Let's see what were the mistakes that you made with this game and try better next time. Let's give it another shot. Don't stop trying. Follow the dream. You wanted to be a game maker for your whole life. This should not stop you. But, fuck that shit. It is easier just to kill yourself, isn't it.
Again, I was really shocked by that and even without that sentence he seemed to me like a kind of douchebag. Not saying that he is, I don't know the guy personally, but from what I saw in the movie...yeah. I just don't like the guy. Sorry Phil.
And again, that "I would kill myself" sentence... I really, really hope you were just trying to be dramatic.

The one theme that was constantly going through this movie is that all the game developers sacrifice a great chunk of their social life just so that they can make awesome video games for us to enjoy, and for that, Edumund McMillen, Tommy Refenes, Jonathan Blow and Phil Fish, a great respect. Thank you for making such wonderful games.

P.S. Again sorry for bashing Phil Fish, but again, as I said, I am making judgements just by the things I saw in the movie.


Saw the movie too. I get what you're saying about Phil Fish, but he was part of what made the movie interesting for me.

You have the wise, philosophical Jonathan Blow, the comitted, average joes following their dream team meat, and the psychotic Phil. It kind of shows the whole spectrum of indie game developers.

The most interesting aspect of the movie though for me was how involved in game making all of them were.
Tommy admitts to sacrificing his social life completely to get the game done, Edmund expresses concern for his releashionship with his wife because of game making, Jonathan suffers a depression because the majority of people don't get what his game is really about and Phil is way too emotional about his project all the time.

The narrative of the movie is kind of disjointed at times though, you're never certain what the story is really about. And Jonathan was clearly the most interesting of the lot. He could easily have his own documentary.

Yeah, I have to agree you that it was interesting too see all those different people with different personality trying to make the game, even Phil Fish. I can imagine how boring the movie would be if every developer in the movie was represented like, for example, Jonathan Blow. Damn, you actually made a better review in two sentences than I did, hehe.

Yeah Phil Fish was a little nuts, but I think it made the narrative more interesting. I'm probably going to get the DVD of it now that it's out just because I'm interested in hearing some of the commentary from these guys now that some time has passed. (Also cuz it was a kick ass movie)

Of the twenty or so indie developers that were filmed for the movie, I'm glad they focused the four that made it into the final product. They're all very different people with a similar purpose, and I can relate to all their unique personalities. Oddly enough, Phil is actually the one I feel like I relate to the most--while he answered to the interviews with some very extreme words, I can think of a time in my life when my responses would have been the same as his. It's very easy to forget all about the past and future when you consider killing yourself. And it's very easy to consider killing yourself when you hit a certain breaking point, but it's a phase just like everything else, and it's one he's probably stopped thinking about since.

I hope you are right :)

HAhahahaha it's funny that you thought "this was a great movie, except for that Phil guy, man what a prick!"

Same as JonBro, I've done stuff aswel where I've thought "Oh if this doesn't all work out I'd fucking kill myself", and then it didn't, and I didn't.
Indie Game The Movie was really good. I don't think it's totally amazing like everyone else, it's not really what I expected, but it was fun and I can definately see myself in all the guys. I'll write my own review for it later.

Can't wait to read it :)