Yeah Phil Fish was a little nuts, but I think it made the narrative more interesting. I'm probably going to get the DVD of it now that it's out just because I'm interested in hearing some of the commentary from these guys now that some time has passed. (Also cuz it was a kick ass movie)
Saw the movie too. I get what you're saying about Phil Fish, but he was part of what made the movie interesting for me.
You have the wise, philosophical Jonathan Blow, the comitted, average joes following their dream team meat, and the psychotic Phil. It kind of shows the whole spectrum of indie game developers.
The most interesting aspect of the movie though for me was how involved in game making all of them were.
Tommy admitts to sacrificing his social life completely to get the game done, Edmund expresses concern for his releashionship with his wife because of game making, Jonathan suffers a depression because the majority of people don't get what his game is really about and Phil is way too emotional about his project all the time.
The narrative of the movie is kind of disjointed at times though, you're never certain what the story is really about. And Jonathan was clearly the most interesting of the lot. He could easily have his own documentary.
Yeah, I have to agree you that it was interesting too see all those different people with different personality trying to make the game, even Phil Fish. I can imagine how boring the movie would be if every developer in the movie was represented like, for example, Jonathan Blow. Damn, you actually made a better review in two sentences than I did, hehe.