Yep, that is right, today is my 20th birthday and the end of my teenage years, but in my heart I'm still a twelve year old boy :P
So, what good will I make until the next birthday?
Well, there is that one project with Rice Pirate which I just can't get myself to finish, but don't worry, it will be released.
Also, I have a cartoon series in plan, but that will be made in a distant future, so don't hold your breath.
Oh, and one more thing. No more Super Mario Power Crystals cartoons. It was fun to make those when I started with flash, but now it is time for some bigger and better things.
Expect some more activity on this page. Maybe I will post some reviews of movies, games or just some good jokes. We'll see.
I guess that is all I had to say.
See ya later Newgrounders :)